Performance marketing is often the first port of call for brand strategists. Centred on activities down the funnel, it’s where they can make the quickest and most measurable impact. But what happens once those lower funnel audiences have been reached?
Our key challenge was finding ways to connect with different types of gamers. We wanted to say everything to everyone, but also knew relevance would be instrumental in driving and maintaining interest. That’s where our long-standing partnership with the digital agency, Dept, was crucial.
Cloud, Advertising
“We needed a solution that would let us tell the full brand story without anyone having to sit through a five-minute video,” Dept’s Client Strategy Director, Mille Munk Sørensen, explains. “People don’t go to YouTube just to see ads, so it has to feel natural and not intrusive. Video ad sequencing is perfect for this as it allows us to break up the story in smaller parts while reaching different audiences.”