Automated Software Testing with SpecFlow

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Automated Software Testing with SpecFlow

Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would. Primarily, it is for automating web applications for testing purposes, but is certainly not limited to just that. Boring web-based administration tasks can (and should!) also be automated as well. Ghost Inspector is no-code based but provides very limited testing features.

what is specflow used for

It offers freedom to users to create feature files without having any technical knowledge, thereafter, a tester binds the Gherkin language to its necessary source code. Hexawise is a combinatorial testing tool designed to maximize coverage with minimal test counts by smartly joining feature variations. It helps testers write better tests with less redundancy and fewer gaps.

SpecFlow & Selenium WebDriver

Test failures indicate a problem – either in test code, product code, or infrastructure. In SpecFlow, all tests are written in Gherkinand saved in .feature files. Gherkin’s plain language Given-When-Then steps enable anyone to read the tests, whether or not they know programming. Using SpecFlow, users can write tests in Gherkin language, which is a structured language that uses natural language syntax to describe the expected behavior of a software application.

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Posted: Mon, 06 Jun 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

In BDD, teams do this same loop with feature tests (a.k.a “acceptance” or “black-box” tests) as well as unit tests. Furthermore, BDD adds shift left practices like Example Mapping and Specification by Example so that teams know what they are doing and focus on developing the right things. The Online Gherkin Editor by SpecFlow is just an editor on a web page. When you first load the page, the editor has example scenarios for you to reference. You can type your own Gherkin into the text area, and the editor highlights it for you. The editor provides line numbers and visual scrolling, too.

Running Specflow with MSTest

To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. In SpecFlow, parameters passed in the tests can be mapped to the text instructions avoiding the need to the sequence of parameters in text. Tests can be prioritized using SpecFlow while Cucumber does not provide the functionality of prioritizing tests. This can be beneficial if only some of the scenarios are to be tested in one run.

  • Protractor runs tests against your application running in a real browser, interacting with it as a user would.
  • You can learn more about the Output API and its usage in ourdocumentation.
  • The Gherkin syntax allows any combination of these three types of steps, but a scenario usually has distinct blocks of Given, When and Then statements.
  • Developing a continuous testing solution brought many incredible benefits to PrecisionLender.

They act as the product’s requirements/acceptance criteria and test cases . Run the test again and you will notice that the input controls are populated with the what is specflow used for test data specified in the feature file and the register button gets invoked. The “Scenario” keyword describes a particular scenario within the current feature.

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The interpreter is part of the separation of concerns and the single responsibility principle. Concerns that would typically be handled by classes and functions in traditional test code should be moved to the interpreter. For example, the interpreter should automatically log every test case step, rather that forcing the author to write explicit logging statements.

what is specflow used for

My current focus is UI test automation with C#, but I love exploring all QA-related areas and sharing my knowledge. For this particular SpecFlow automation tutorial, I used the XPath locator for the web elements on the page because the web elements do not have unique IDs. XPath is one of the most used locators in Selenium WebDriver for navigating across a page’s HTML structure. Any element on a web page can be located using the HTML DOM framework for both HTML and XML documents.

What tools integrate with SpecFlow?

A scenario is described in plain English with some reserved keywords like “When”, “And” and “Then”. The Field Value pair, which is displayed in the form of a table, is used to inject input parameters into the stories. You can send in plain values instead of defining the table but in our experience, using a table is much easier to implement as well as to modify.

Let’s keep all of them chosen with default settings for the time being. When you click on the Preview button, you’ll see a preview of how the implementation will appear. 5) Create a new Feature file in the features folder and call it CalculatorFeature. We may make any type of project, such as a Class Library, a Console Application, or a Unit Test Project, for example. We’re going to do a Class Library project for the sake of simplicity. You can filter and group the tests to be executed using these unit test categories.

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Then, using bindings, these tests are connected to the application code, enabling you to run the tests using the testing framework of your choice . Unit testing provides the essence for creating professional and maintainable applications. Traditionally, the unit testing paradigm did not focused on the user stories. Behavior-driven development demonstrates the importance of user stories in a domain-centric application.

Creating test scripts for these scenarios and remembering them while writing becomes cumbersome. SpecFlow provides a feature named Auto-Complete, with Visual Studio integration, using which the phrases can be automatically completed in test scripts. Cucumber is a Ruby tool that offers a natural language interface to specify behaviors in terms of “Given, When, Then” or GWT sentence fragments. The feature film is a plain text file containing a set of scenario definitions written in Gherkin. C# itself does not understand Gherkin ‘.feature’ files, therefore Specflow generates these into ‘.feature.cs’ class files at compile time.

Implementation of SpecFlow

That soon became too slow since the average Boa test took 20 to 50 seconds to complete. The team then started running up to 3 tests in parallel on one machine, but that also was not fast enough. They turned to Selenium Grid, a tool for running WebDriver sessions remotely across multiple machines. The team chose SpecFlow to be the core framework for Boa tests. Since the PrecisionLender app’s backend is developed using .NET, SpecFlow was a natural fit.

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